Welcome to 2025!

Do you support Public Works? Then show your support by using your voice for good on your social media pages. Tell them that you are grateful for safe streets, clean drinking water, efficient storm and sanitary systems, active parks, and healthy recreational facilities.

As we enter the winter snow plow season, think how important these snow plow drivers are to your towns, your neighborhoods, and to your families. Without these men and women getting up early, or staying up late, you would not be able to get to work on time. Think about the long hours they put in and how many family dinners these dedicated workers have missed, how many kids events they cannot attend, or how many times they can’t read to their kids at bedtime, because they are out on the road making sure they are clean, safe and ready for you.

What you can do:

  • Thank them on Social Media or publish positive content about them
  • When you meet them, talk to them like they are humans.
  • Bring them small gifts like donuts or coffee, cookies or something that is for all the employees.
  • Have your kids write them letters or draw pictures (thank you Mr. Snow Plow)

Tap Water Road, LLC. was created to support public sector employees at any government agency like Public Works and Road District Agencies, Townships, Park Districts, and Water Distribution/Waste Water facilities across the world.